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Computer-aided translation
Johnson: Rise of the machine translatorsJun 4th 2014, 16:45 by R.L.G. | DUBLIN

THOSE passingly familiar with machine translation (MT) may well have reacted in the following ways at some point. “Great!” would be one such, on plugging something into the best-known public and free version, Google Translate, and watching the translation appear milliseconds later. “Wait a second…” might be the next, from those who know both languages. Google Translate, like all MT systems, can make mistakes, from the subtle to the the hilarious.

The internet is filled (here for example) with signs badly machine translated from Chinese into English. What monolingual English-speakers don't realise is just how many funny mistakes get made in translating the other way. Take, for example, the Occupy Wall Street protester in 2011 who seems to have plugged “No more corruption” into a computer translator and made a sign with the resulting Chinese output. It read: “There is no corruption”.

MT is hard. It has occupied the minds of a lot of smart people for decades, which is why it is still known by a 1950s-style moniker rather than “computer translation”. Older models tended to try to break down the grammar or meaning of the source text, and reconstruct it in the target language. This was so difficult, though, that in retrospect it is unsurprising that this approach started running into intractable problems. But now, in an early application of “big data” (before the phrase became vogue), MT systems typically work statistically. If you feed a lot of high-quality human-translated texts into a translation model in both target and source languages, the model can learn the likelihood that "X" in language A will be translated as "Y" in language B. (And how often, and in what contexts, "X" is more likely to be translated as "Z" instead.) The more data you feed in, the better the model's statistical guesses get. This is why Google (which has nothing if not lots of data) has got rather decent at MT.

If you "round-trip" the preceding paragraph in Google translate, rendering it into German and then translating that output once again into English, the errors and infelicities multiply:

Machine translation is very good in the translation of single words, where all she has to do, is to act as an online dictionary. It is also good at common rates, as these chunks, which translates many times and so easily represented in the target language. It's not bad, simple sentences with a clear structure enough, though, once you start sentences plugging in, you'll start to see some sluggishness in the output. And all the lyrics begin, in fact, look very disjointed.

MT struggles in particular with surprising input that the training model has not taught it to expect. Hanzi Smatter, a blog, received a picture of a biker who got a computer-translated “Ride Hard Die Free” tattooed in huge Chinese characters down his torso. The only problem was that he got "die" in the sense of a “tool used for stamping or shaping metal” permanently inked on his body, probably because nothing like “die free” was in the translator’s training texts. (It also translated “free” as “free of charge”.) Perhaps lots of industrial or commercial materials were part of the training, explaining why the rather less common “tool” meaning of “die” was chosen over the more common “ring-down-the-curtain-and-join-the-choir-invisible” meaning.

To rely on raw MT output is almost as bad an idea as getting a full-body tattoo in a language you don’t speak. But it would also be a mistake to dismiss MT, a steadily improving tool that is best used with human post-editing. This week in Dublin, TAUS, an idea shop and resource-sharing platform for MT users, gathered originators and users of MT to talk about how to get users to share more of their data. The more everyone shares, the more everyone wins, but many companies consider their translation models proprietary assets.

The reason companies have proprietary systems is because MT’s quality is quickly improved by specific training for a restricted domain. For example, an industrial company would train its model to translate "die" with the “metal tool” meaning, a toy-maker would prefer the “cube with dots on each side” meaning, and a pet shop would prefer the “pushing-up-the-daisies” meaning. Such domain restriction increases the accuracy of translation quite a lot. It has the down-side of making a single engine less useful for broader applications. But this problem is diminishing, since new such engines can increasingly be crafted quickly, as needed, for a given language pairing and domain (as long as enough training text is available, which is why TAUS is trying to get companies to share).

This makes MT a lot more than a quick “good-enough” translator or an aid to tourists. Wayne Bourland of Dell, a computer-maker, says that using MT, plus post-editing, has cut translation time by 40% for his company, which localises its website in 28 languages. More importantly, MT saves money: it has saved Dell 40% of its translating cost since 2011. He calculates the return on Dell’s investment for MT at 900%—numbers, in other words, to die for.

So will MT replace human translators entirely at some point? Or perhaps even replace the need for learning foreign languages in the long run? That will be the subject of the next column.
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When a country has conjured-up one of the most amazing styles of body art around, how on earth can it be so idiotic as to ban it? This is a question that tattoo enthusiasts have been deliberating over for a number of decades now, but luckily for us, this style has broken out of the Far East and has made it to our shores.

Japanese tattoo designs really do make for some of the most impressive pieces of body art you are ever likely to see; Fact! The use of color and black and grey shading will grab anyone's attention and as this style is so versatile, it will look great when applied to any part of the body.

One of the main central themes is dragons. These legendary beasts always include very detailed work: literally down to the last scale on the dragon's body. The dragons will often be colored with very vibrant shades which will then be surrounded by plenty of panelling or swirls. A black background helps to make the central feature stand out.

Other popular features include Geisha girls and coy fish. Coy fish look especially great as a forearm piece and are even more effective when surrounded by Japanese wave patterns. Include some water lilies within this design and you will have a fashionable and awesome Japanese piece to treasure.

Traditionally, before the style of tattooing was banned in Japan, body art was often taken to the extreme of a complete body suit. As it is becoming more and more acceptable to get heavily tattooed today, many people turn to these styles for extensive work.

Japanese designs are very masculine in appearance and usually make for the best larger pieces. They can be found as smaller designs and always look better on men. If you are looking for a feminine piece, it is usually a good idea to dispense with the extensive background panelling.

There has been a phenomenal growth of traditional Japanese tattoo designs in the past few years. It used to be that tattoos were relegated to the Yakuza or Japanese gangs and the criminals in the society. Just the site of a tattoo used to and still can strike fear into people. However, Japan is a rapidly changing country and they are starting to see the value in tattoos and more and more people have a deep respect for them. For most tattoo artists and tattoo enthusiasts alike Japanese designs have always been sought after. Here are some Japanese tattoo meanings and design ideas to help give you a guide of some possibilities if you are interested in getting such a design.

Cherry Blossom Tattoos

For the Japanese the cherry blossom is seen to represent life itself. The flower is a thing of great beauty. It is strong in that is pushes itself and blooms in harsh conditions and climates and often comes out when the snow is first melting. Yet it is paradoxically fragile at the same time. It is fragile because it will only last a few days and then it will fall from the tree and land in the snow. The Japanese view this as a representation of life itself. Life should be lived to extreme beauty and everyday should be lived to it's fullest. Yet one must always be aware of the possibility of death and therefore with the eventuality of death live life even more fully. This is a great tattoo and a symbol that is laden with powerful reminders and a great guide to how each individual should live their life.

Koi Fish Tattoos

Koi fish are probably the second most powerful symbol in tattoo designs in general but also fro the Japanese. Koi fish can been seen in front of almost every temple throughout Japan. The myth states that the Koi fish swim back up stream against the current to eventually read a bridge or a gate. If they can make it to the gate they are turned into dragons and magically fly away to start a new life. The symbolism behind this design is one of perseverance which is a very deep and important concept for the Japanese. In fact they have many more words to describe perseverance, effort and sticking with something in the language then we do in English.


Samurai of course lived by the code of Bushido. There is not enough room here to full explain the code of Bushido but it deals with living life to the fullest, being prepared to die in service and being loyal and strong. The concepts of Bushido are pretty much at the heart of all Japanese values and morals and also what is taught to most young kids over and over again through stories. You could say the code of Bushido is the heart of the Japanese culture and beliefs. Samurai's and samurai tattoos of course are the best symbol of these beliefs.